Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Call for Submissions: Miracle Monocle

Miracle Monocle is now accepting submissions for our upcoming Spring and Summer 2011 issues. We're looking for poetry, fiction and microfiction.
  • For fiction: Please limit your submission to 4,000 words and submit one piece at a time. For paper submissions, please double-space.
  • For poetry and microfiction: You may include up to 5 pieces in your submission. There is no word limit for poetry submissions. Please limit microfiction pieces to 500 words or less.
We accept both electronic and paper submissions year-round.

For full submission guidelines, please visit our website at

Miracle Monocle features works of contemporary fiction, poetry and microfiction and believes that even the most serious subjects can be handled with humor and charity. Miracle Monocle is an online journal housed and supported by the University of Louisville's English Department and is run by faculty, graduates and undergraduates. Issues appear quarterly. Unpublished, emerging and established writers alike are encouraged to apply and submit.

Call for Submissions: The Poetry Market Ezine

The Poetry Market Ezine is currently seeking submissions of poetry reviews for publication in our free monthly ezine.

The Poetry Market Ezine only accepts poetry book, chapbook or poetry magazine or ezine reviews. We do not publish poems. We only publish reviews somehow related to poetry.

Reviews must be unpublished in any form upon submission. They must be written by the person submitting the review. Reviews may not be a review of the reviewer's own poetry book or chapbook. They may be up to 800 words (or 1 to 1 1/2 pages) in length, but shorter reviews are preferred. Reviews must include the name of the item reviewed, where the item can be purchased (with the ISBN, if applicable), and author contact information (of both the author of the item if applicable as well as the author of the review).

Please submit reviews in the body of an email. Put "Poetry Review Submission" in the subject line. Include a brief bio (2-4 lines) and a cover letter. You may submit 1-3 reviews at a time. We will consider reprints, but there will be no payment for reprints. You can expect a response within 1-2 months. Please email reviews to thepoetrymarket[at]

Full submission guidelines can be found at

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Round-Up: Tweets and posts you may have missed

Here's a list of posts from our Twitter account from this past week, in case you missed them or don't participate in Twitter.

RT = Re-tweet, which means someone else tweeted something and we re-tweeted it.
@(name) = This is a user name on Twitter. If you click on it, you should be able to visit that person's twitter site and follow them if you so chose.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Call for Submissions: Peace & Hope

The new online journal, SF Peace and Hope, is now seeking original, unpublished work that transforms and inspires from poets, writers and artists. The launch date for the premiere issue is early 2011 at Al Young, Poet Laureate California Emeritus, is writing the preface, and we will have a new visual stage for your work designed by Bay Area artist Niya C. Risk of Ritual Labs.

We are looking for poetry, short nonfiction and visual imagery related to the theme of peace and hope from writers and artists who live in the San Francisco Bay area or have a strong affinity for this locale. The Bay area as a subject is also encouraged.

For poetry: Submissions must be short- to medium-length poems of 34 lines or less. You may submit a maximum of 3 poems.

For non-fiction (including essays): Submissions must be 300 words or less. You may submit a maximum of 1 nonfiction piece.

For artwork: Submissions must be digital images of your original paintings, drawings and photographs. You may submit a maximum of 3 images.

Please submit your writing as a single document in the body of the e-mail or as a Word attachment. Send your images as jpeg files no larger than 1000 pixels in any dimension; please include the medium as well as a title or short caption. Please e-mail submissions to sfpeaceandhope[at]

Further submission guidelines can be found at

In the subject line, list your name (Last, First) and the genre of your submission. Submissions will be accepted on an ongoing basis. Short bios are optional. Please check the website for changes to the submission policy. We will notify you of the status of your submission, so please do not send e-mail inquiries. We look forward to receiving your work.

Call for Submissions: Weave Magazine

Weave Magazine, an independent art and literary publication, is currently accepting submissions for our sixth issue, being released in June 2011. We welcome submissions of poetry, fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, short plays and monologues.

For more information about Weave and the work we publish, please see the "About" page on our website:

The deadline for submission is January 31, 2011. Please see submission guidelines for more detailed information:

Call for Submissions: Pegasus

Pegasus, the literary journal at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia, invites submissions of poetry, short fiction (flash fiction is welcome), creative nonfiction, artwork and photography for the upcoming spring 2011 issue. The submission deadline is January 31, 2011.

Pegasus is an award-winning regional journal, focused only on Georgia writers who are of high school age or who are currently enrolled as undergraduates in Georgia colleges and universities. All other writers should talk to editor Jeff Newberry before sending any submissions. Jeff Newberry can be reached at jnewberry[at] Past issues have included invited features by Mark Leidner, Janisee Ray, Patrick Phillips, Amy Blackmarr and Janice Daugharty.

Pegasus accepts electronic submissions only. Please visit for full submission guidelines.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Call for Submissions: NPR's Short Fiction Contest

National Public Radio (NPR) has announced the latest installment of its Three Minute Fiction contest. The contest, which was launched in 2009, invites writers to create stories in fewer than 600 words, which can be read in roughly three minutes.

Although the initial contest held only the word-count guideline, judge Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has given this sixth iteration a few more rules. Adichie, the author of critically acclaimed books Purple Hibiscus and Half of a Yellow Sun, has stated that each story submitted for this contest must include a) a joke and b) someone crying.

For more information on rules and guidelines, and for information on how to submit stories, please visit

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 p.m. ET on January 23, 2011.