Thursday, February 14, 2008

Can You Come Up With Answers? Of Course!!

Common Ties asks the world 20 questions. They pair the answers with art and publish their favorite 10 every Friday. Your answers, which may be prose or poetry, should be 50 words or less, and answers paired with art have a greater chance of acceptance. The current questions are:
  1. What door do you wish you never opened?
  2. What is your most obsessive thought?
  3. What is your favorite place in the world, and why?
  4. What's the one thing your parents don't understand about you?
  5. If you could relive a single day or moment, what would it be?
  6. What were the strangest circumstances under which you have been intimate?
  7. Under what circumstances have you been closest to death?
  8. What is the most gracious act of kindness you have witnessed?
  9. What is the worst betrayal you have ever experienced?
  10. What is the most bizarre thing you have ever seen or done?
  11. What is the greatest risk you have ever taken?
  12. What is your earliest, most vivid memory?
  13. What is the most meaningful "I love you" spoken by you or to you?
  14. What was the single most terrifying moment of your life?
  15. If you have experienced a moment of sudden faith or loss of faith, what prompted it?
  16. If you could take back one thing you have done, what would it be?
  17. What is your greatest talent or accomplishment?
  18. What is the most joyful moment you have experienced?
  19. What is the most painful moment you have experienced?
  20. Open Question: Submit your own question and answer. No answer is off-limits, and it can be on any personal theme. Here is a sample list of 20: abortion, addiction, adolescence, break-ups, crime, death, depression, eating disorders, humor, lucky breaks, mental disorders, moral dilemmas, pets, poverty, racism, religion, sex, suicide, turning points, war.
These would be inspirational starting points even if there weren't the chance of publication and payment!! Please go to their website for further guidelines and how to submit.

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