Tuesday, May 20, 2008

$150 Dollars For 50 Words!!

That's the prize for feedback being offered by The Summerset Review. All you have to do is send them your opinion, (at least fifty words worth), of stories and essays appearing in the current issue! In addition, winners will receive a copy of Volume One. They will publish your comments in the following issue, along with your name and home town. Only one entry is allowed per person per quarter, and the entry must pertain to a piece appearing in the current issue. They are particularly interested in how the story or essay affected you; what impact it had, what memory it stirred. Be honest and lucid. The deadline for comments is two weeks before the release date. Issues are released on the 15th of March, June, September and December. Email your entry to editor(at)summersetreview(dot)org, and be sure to include your name, town, state and country (if outside the USA). There's nothing to lose and much to gain: check out their website to read the current stories and essays, and then read some of the previous winning comments to get an idea of what they like.

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