Sunday, November 23, 2008

Call for Submissions « maganda magazine

Maganda Magazine, a once-a-year student publication at Berkeley is now accepting fiction and poetry submissions for their upcoming issue. From their site:
Call for Submissions « maganda magazine
What is today’s generation marked by?
Invention. Innovation. Invigoration.
The energy to fight for a cause
The spark to cause an effect
The power to effect change

The people living in today’s world share much more in common than merely existing at the same time. We share a history: chapters both ugly and triumphant, events that have occurred both within and outside of our control. In the end, our future is still to be determined by our decisions.

As the electric current of ideas rapidly fires through the generator of our collective minds, we gain the power to make a difference, to mark a place in history, not only in continuing the pursuits of previous generations but in creating entirely new possibilities.

What will this generation be defined by?


What does it mean to you? What do you generate? How do you perceive generation in the world today?

Generate your ideas through your own means of artistic expression and submit to {m}22.

...calling for submissions of any media, from prose to poetry to photography to artwork and music.

Deadline: DECEMBER 19, 2008

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