Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Prick of the Spindle Accepting Submissions ~

Prick of the Spindle is a quarterly online journal that is open to both traditional and experimental forms. They accept submissions year-round, and there is no reading fee. In their own words:
We have a special bent toward fresh and innovative voices that use language in unique ways. Editors are currently reading submissions in all categories for Vol. 2.4, forthcoming December 23, 2008. If you are interested in being considered for publication in Prick of the Spindle, please take care to read the guidelines for submitting your previously unpublished work.
They do not publish children's or young adult's fiction, and do not lean toward genre fiction "unless it is especially well-written with a contemporary flavor." There is no length requirement for fiction, and they are open to publishing novella-length pieces (traditionally defined as consisting of anywhere from 17,500 to 40,000 words). They are also seeking reviews in the realms of academic literature, fiction, and poetry. Reviews can consist of works of literary criticism, book reviews, and academic analysis or essays.

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