Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts

Monday, June 22, 2009

Twitter and Book Marketing:

Publishers Weekly has a short but interesting article called A Tweet Treat (#fb) about a new kind of author book promotions called Tweetfests.

Are you on Twitter? If you are an author, or an aspiring author, it might be time to start tweeting! Twitter is basically a blog that limits you to 140 character per post, and people can subscribe to your blog, or they can go to your twitter site and read your tweets. One of the wonderful aspects of twitter is that you can interact with your follower who can reply to your tweets (called @replies), or send you direct messages. Twitter also integrates with your cell phone so you can send and receive tweets as text messages - just be sure that you have an unlimited text plan before you sign up for that option.

How to start a twitter account:

1. Go to

2. Create an account

3. Find some people to follow either by seeing who on your email address book is on twitter by using their Find People Tool, or their search tool. When you follow people, they will usually follow you back.

4. Post some tweets.

That's it!

If you'd like to follow on twitter, once you've signed up for your own twitter account, go to and click on Follow.