Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Call for Essays - Lamberson Corona Press

Lamberson Corona Press is looking for essay writers for an anthology, details as follows:
First and Last Name: Margaret Shaw
Company: Lamberson Corona Press
E-mail: lambersoncorona@gmail.com
Call Description:Wanted personal essays for an anthology on looking back at childhood or adolescence. Nonfiction essays only. For possible publication. Payment: one copy of the book free and ability to buy other copies at cost. (Which you may sell at full price) Send essay 2,000-4,000 wds via email. No fees. Deadline April 1, 2008 Need essays about disabilities and perceptions of the disabled, gender identification, family stories and changing cultural and family traditions (and anything else. Seeking essays that tell a story rather than just about what it means to be a family, etc. Change over time is especially appropriate. Then and now essays. I'm in New York but with email, this is easy.
Contact: lambersoncorona@gmail.com
Payment: There is no payment unless we actually make a profit from the books which so far has not happened. If it did, there would be royalties. We are a new small press. But authors can buy the books at cost and sell them at a higher price which actually can be more than royalties when there are multiple authors involved. (and of course, this also keeps us from making a profit. Amazon.com and other retailers also take a big percentage of the price so being small we are often lucky to break even.) But profit is not our purpose at this time. We do not yet have a website but are planning to have one soon. All information can be obtained through this email address. Many of our authors are college professors who can use the publication for promotion. I am hoping that I get a few responses to fill out the anthology which is coming together but is only half the size we hoped.

1 comment:

Maggie Dinzler Shaw said...

Hi. I am Margaret Shaw and the editor of the upcoming essay anthology to be published by Lamberson Corona Press. I just wanted to update you by saying that we do have a website now at lambersoncorona.com.