Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Camp Quest West Essay Contest

If you are a middle school student, or you know a writer who is, this contest might interest you: Camp Quest West is announcing an essay contest whose winner will receive a free campership at Camp Quest West 2008, valued at $390! Simply write a short essay, between 200 and 400 words, on any one of the following intriguing questions:
  1. Should Intelligent Design be taught in public schools along with evolution? Why or why not?
  2. What, if anything, does evolution tell us about the interconnectedness of life and how we should treat each other?
  3. Is science the only way of knowing about the universe, or are there other ways? Explain.
The submitted essay must be entirely the work of a middle school student, with the exception of attributed quotations. Any work that does not meet these qualifications will be disqualified and the deadline is March 15, 2008. Please go to the Camp Quest West website for the application form.
Camp Quest West 2008, for campers aged 8 through 15, will be held at Camp Ross Relles in Nevada City, California, from Sunday July 13 to Saturday July 19. In addition, campers aged 16 and 17 are welcome as "staff in training,"

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