Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Writers Group in Santa Clarita Valley! is coming to the Santa Clarita Valley! Our newest writers group is starting in Valencia on Tuesday, April 5th! We are excited to bring our groups to this often forgotten-about valley filled with creative and entertainment folks.

Our moderator will be Kirby Timmons, a versatile and talented creative writer with an impressive list of credits and the kind of cross-genre and supportive leader our groups require.

Kirby's Bio:
Kirby Timmons is a professional writer, trainer and speaker who has written scripts for some of TV's most enduring series, including THE WALTONS, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF GRIZZLY ADAMS, and THE INCREDIBLE HULK. Kirby has also written, produced and directed hundreds of training programs, including THE ABILENE PARADOX, named one of the 5 best business videos of all time by Fortune Magazine; GROUPTHINK, winner of the American Psychological Associations Award for Best Training Program; and TEAMWORK IN CRISIS: The Miracle of Flight 232, now used in disaster programs worldwide, including Columbine High School in Colorado. While he has concentrated in scriptwriting, Kirby is also a published author, and has contributed articles to THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, THE LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS, THE HERALD-EXAMINER, MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIVING Magazine, among others. Kirby taught Scriptwriting For Informational Media at California State University at Northridge, and has lectured at Los Angeles Valley College. He has also taught high school screenwriting workshops with the Writer's Guild Foundation. After attending Oglethorpe University in his hometown of Atlanta, Kirby studied at USC where he graduated with a B.A. cum laude in Philosophy. He has been a member of the Writer's Guild of America longer than he can remember, and a member of the American Society of Training & Development for less long. Among Kirby's recent writing projects is a teleplay for CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION which won scriptwriting competitions at Scriptapalooza and Austin, and Grand Prize in Hour-Long Drama at the WildSound Film Festival in Toronto. Despite being the "best CSI episode ever written" (his words), it is not currently under consideration by producers of the show.
This group is in addition to the groups we already have in:
  • LA South Bay - Rancho Palos Verdes
  • LA South Bay - El Segundo
  • Miracle Mile/Koreatown,
  • Pacific Palisades / West LA
  • Glendale / Glassell Park
Read more about how our new Santa Clarita Writers Group will work.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Call for Submissions: FOX-NYTVF Comedy Script Contest

Enter the 4th Annual FOX-NYTVF Comedy Script Contest and submit your script for an original half-hour comedy series. One winner will receive $25,000 and a development deal with FOX. Twenty-five (25) Finalists will have their scripts evaluated by FOX for a possible development deal with the network and will receive NYTVF designation as 2011 Official Artists and be invited to the New York Television Festival, held in New York City in September 2011.

The New York Television Festival was founded in 2005 as the industry's first creative festival for television artists. The NYTVF works in partnership with networks, studios, brands and agencies to more effectively and efficiently deliver the best projects and showcase the most promising artists.

There is no fee to enter the script contest. There are a few dates to know before submitting:
  • April 4, 2011 - Script Submission period begins (at 12:00 noon ET)
  • April 18, 2011 - Script Submission period ends (at 12:00 noon ET)
  • On or about September 17, 2011 - 2011 FOX-NYTVF Comedy Script Contest Winner is announced at the Festival Award Show
All scripts must be between 25 and 35 pages and in PDF format. For more information on the contest and how to submit scripts, please visit

Call for Submissions: UCity Review

The UCity Review publishes twice a year, both on the web and as a limited edition letterpress print edition. Each issue highlights a noteworthy writer, whom the editors believe deserves more exposure. Each issue includes approximately twelve authors.

UCity Review considers poetry in February of each year. We will strive to provide the status of submissions by the end of March of each year. As for the likes and dislikes of UCity editors, take these words from Zbigniew Herbert:
In Poland, we think of the poet as prophet; he is not merely a maker of verbal forms or an imitator of reality. The poet expresses the deepest feelings and the wildest awareness of people... The language of poetry differs from the language of politics. And, after all, poetry lives longer than any conceivable political crisis. The poet looks over a broad terrain and over vast stretches of time. He makes observations on the problems of his own time, to be sure, but he is a partisan only in the sense that he is a partisan of the truth. He arouses doubts and uncertainties and brings everything into question.
Submissions can be emailed to editors[at] Please include the author's name and submission date in the subject line. We accept the following file formats: .doc; .pdf. Please limit poetry submissions to six poems, and please do not submit simultaneous submissions.

For more information, please visit our website:

Call for Submissions: The Whistling Fire

The Whistling Fire is proud to announce our ongoing Guest Editor Themed Selection. Throughout the year, we will have various Guest Editors taking over The Whistling Fire for an entire month and selecting special themed work of their choice. The lucky few selected will be published every Tuesday of their Guest Editor's month. The Guest Editor for May is David Crawford, a graduate of the UC Riverside Palm Desert Low Residency MFA. He gives the following message for submitting writers:
What place do we have for humor in literature? We know the weighty subjects of the world are approached with a deferential reverence, but who is to say we cannot use humor just as effectively. Poets such as Billy Collins and Ron Padgett make humor a regular part of their work. Narrative writers like David Sedaris draw us into their world with the comedic exposé of self. We find humor in the larger premise and in the tiniest moment. So what can we create with humor? I want to hear the biggest subjects treated with humor that doesn't depreciate the weight or the importance of the topic; the humor of the character, the humor of the experience, the humor of language, bring it all to the table.
The Whistling Fire will be accepting submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry under 3000 words. Please send your submissions to whistlingfire[at] Please include the words "May Editor" in your subject line. No more than two submissions per author. All submissions must be sent as an attachment (MS WORD preferred). Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Previously published work is also allowed as long as the author retains the rights. Please include a short, third-person bio for our contributor's page. The deadline for submissions is April 23, 2011.

There is also still time to submit to our April Guest Editor, Lindsey Lewis Smithson, whose deadline is March 26. For more information, please visit

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Call for Submissions About Women: ADANNA

Call for creative writing submissions about women: ADANNA poetry, short stories, essays, and reviews of books and visual arts:
Adanna: A Journal for Women, about Women will be an annual perfect bound print book publication, first issue Summer 2011.

Editor: Christine Redman-Waldeyer

Guest Editor: Diane Lockward

  • The reading period for this first issue begins on January 31 and closes April 30.
  • Please send your submissions to
  • Adanna accepts poetry, short stories, essays, and reviews of books and visual arts.
  • We welcome both National and International submissions in English.
  • Please submit only unpublished pieces, 3-6 at a time.
  • Please limit prose pieces to a maximum of 2000 words.
  • Submissions should be one file in one attachment.
  • Include your name in the header of each page along with current contact information including e-mail and phone number.
  • Simultaneous submissions accepted.Please notify us as soon as possible of any accepted work.
  • For works accepted, the author will receive a free complimentary copy.
Visit the Adanna Website for additional information:

Call for Submissions from Chicano & Latino Writers (Some Pay)

Call for Submissions from Chicano & Latino writers: fiction, flash fiction, poetry, novel exerpts, cross-genre/hybrid work and short plays. Some pay.
Call for Submissions
PALABRA invites Chicano & Latino writers to submit fresh, engaged work that stretches beyond the boundaries of conventional form, content and context. We accept fiction, flash fiction, poetry, novel excerpts, cross-genre/hybrid work and short plays. Some pay. Submission period: September 1 to May 31.

Specific guidelines are available on the website:

Submit via USPS only.

A Magazine of Chicano & Latino Literary Art
P. O. Box 86146
Los Angeles, CA 90086-0146

Call for Creative Writing Submissions: Sunsets and Silencers

Call for Submissions for innovative short fiction, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, essays, paintings, photography, and comic strip:
Sunsets and Silencers," an online magazine, is now accepting submissions for our new issue.

"Sunsets and Silencers" is open to a wide variety of styles and wants to publish only the most innovative and creative work. We are careful about the work we publish, and we read and consider every submission, carefully. S&S publishes short fiction, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, essays, paintings, photography, and comic strips as a platform for emerging and established artists to showcase their work. On promising work, we may offer feedback, even if the piece didn't work for us. Please, keep in mind, however, that we do not respond to every piece, mostly because of the volume of submissions received. We want to provide exposure to artists and writers who create
out of a restless fever, and who are fearless in their choice to submit. So, send what you have, but please pay attention to our submission guidelines.

More detailed submission guidelines can be found at:

The current issue of Sunsets and Silencers can be found at: